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- PACE: Omnibus Package – EU set to simplify Sustainability Reporting, but Lessors will still Count the NumbersFebruary 14, 2025PublicThird party publications
- Cirium: 2024 commercial aviation emissions grow above 2019 levels238.50 KBFebruary 14, 2025PublicThird party publications
- ICCT: Evaluating state-level SAF policies in the USA0.97 MBFebruary 7, 2025Know-HowPrivatePublicSAFThird party publications
- EU EC: Calculating price differences SAF / kerosene; EU ETS SAF allowances allocation241.12 KBFebruary 7, 2025PrivatePublicSAFThird party publications
- EU EC: Q&A on ETS delegated regulation bridging the cost-difference for SAF_2025.0248.88 KBFebruary 7, 2025Know-HowPrivatePublicSAFThird party publications
- EU Platform on Sust. Finance: Simplifying EU Taxonomy to foster sustainable finance1.53 MBFebruary 6, 2025PublicThird party publications
- Project SkyPower: Key policies to unlock the scale-up of e-SAF in the EU631.24 KBFebruary 5, 2025PublicThird party publications
- EU AZEA Workplan 2025682.29 KBFebruary 3, 2025Know-HowPrivatePublicThird Party PresentationsThird party publications
- Climate Catalyst – Impact and Learning Report. 20241.23 MBJanuary 30, 2025PrivatePublicThird Party PresentationsThird party publications
- European Commission – Competitive Compass – 2025.01446.01 KBJanuary 30, 2025PrivatePublicThird Party PresentationsThird party publications
- impact Year in Review 202410.00 MBJanuary 15, 2025PublicReports
This comprehensive report reflects on our efforts to drive decarbonization and transparency around CO₂ emissions in the aviation sector throughout 2024. It showcases key milestones, collaborative initiatives, and actionable solutions that are shaping a more sustainable future for aviation.
- Systematic assessment of the achieved emission reductions of carbon crediting projects by Benedict Probst, Max-Planck-Institute, et al2.15 MBNovember 14, 2024PublicThird party publications
Quality issues across major project types, reductions widely vary: e.g. cookstoves only 11%, avoided deforestation 25%, industrial gas projects 16-68%, wind power and improved forest management no significant emissions reduction.
- Redefining the path to Net Zero_Heart Aerospace.pdf81.25 KBNovember 14, 2024Third party publications
- PACE: Omnibus Package – EU set to simplify Sustainability Reporting, but Lessors will still Count the NumbersFebruary 14, 2025PublicThird party publications
- Cirium: 2024 commercial aviation emissions grow above 2019 levels238.50 KBFebruary 14, 2025PublicThird party publications
- ICCT: Evaluating state-level SAF policies in the USA0.97 MBFebruary 7, 2025Know-HowPrivatePublicSAFThird party publications
- EU EC: Calculating price differences SAF / kerosene; EU ETS SAF allowances allocation241.12 KBFebruary 7, 2025PrivatePublicSAFThird party publications
- EU EC: Q&A on ETS delegated regulation bridging the cost-difference for SAF_2025.0248.88 KBFebruary 7, 2025Know-HowPrivatePublicSAFThird party publications
- EU Platform on Sust. Finance: Simplifying EU Taxonomy to foster sustainable finance1.53 MBFebruary 6, 2025PublicThird party publications
- Project SkyPower: Key policies to unlock the scale-up of e-SAF in the EU631.24 KBFebruary 5, 2025PublicThird party publications
- EU AZEA Workplan 2025682.29 KBFebruary 3, 2025Know-HowPrivatePublicThird Party PresentationsThird party publications
- Climate Catalyst – Impact and Learning Report. 20241.23 MBJanuary 30, 2025PrivatePublicThird Party PresentationsThird party publications
- European Commission – Competitive Compass – 2025.01446.01 KBJanuary 30, 2025PrivatePublicThird Party PresentationsThird party publications
- impact Year in Review 202410.00 MBJanuary 15, 2025PublicReports
This comprehensive report reflects on our efforts to drive decarbonization and transparency around CO₂ emissions in the aviation sector throughout 2024. It showcases key milestones, collaborative initiatives, and actionable solutions that are shaping a more sustainable future for aviation.
- Systematic assessment of the achieved emission reductions of carbon crediting projects by Benedict Probst, Max-Planck-Institute, et al2.15 MBNovember 14, 2024PublicThird party publications
Quality issues across major project types, reductions widely vary: e.g. cookstoves only 11%, avoided deforestation 25%, industrial gas projects 16-68%, wind power and improved forest management no significant emissions reduction.
- Redefining the path to Net Zero_Heart Aerospace.pdf81.25 KBNovember 14, 2024Third party publications
- IMPACT on sustainable aviation e.V. launches first-of-a-kind Aviation Climate Stocktake Forum182.60 KBOctober 8, 2024Press Releases
IMPACT ON SUSTAINABLE AVIATION E.V. (IMPACT), the non-profit association of 35+ global financial institutions focused on assisting airlines and lessors’ decarbonization plans, announces the launch of its first Aviation Climate Stocktake Forum (the “IMPACT Forum”) on December 2nd & 3rd, 2024 in London, co-hosted by WTW, a leading global advisory, broking and solutions company.
- Impact on Sustainable Aviation and PACE sign membership agreement148.57 KBSeptember 17, 2024Press Releases
The non-profit association Impact on Sustainable Aviation e.V. (IMPACT) is pleased to welcome PACE as a new member further enhancing the breadth of its stakeholder network.
- impact Insights 20247.16 MBJuly 21, 2024Reports
impact's mid-year report features a thought-provoking mix of contributions dealing with the latest aviation sustainability topics, including SAF, sustainable finance and CSRD. Moreover, this report contains views from some of our workstream leads and an overview of the presentations held by industry experts on our biweekly members' calls.
- Core Review Clause pursuant to Art. 17 RefuelEU Aviation Regulation1 – is regulation failing due to the reality of the slow market ramp-up?317.97 KBJuly 4, 2024Press Releases
The RefuelEU Aviation Initiative ("ReFuelEU") will make the blending of Sustainable Aviation Fuel ("SAF") mandatory for the European aviation industry from 2025 via a quota system and a sub-quota for power-based fuel from 2030. This obligation is supported by the threat of penalties for airlines and fuel suppliers in the event of non-compliance. This law provides a compelling but evidently not yet sufficient incentive to make the necessary investments in corresponding projects for the market ramp-up required to comply with the quotas. In fact, in view of the Review Clause in Art. 17 of the RefuelEU, there is considerable uncertainty among investors regarding the stability of the quota law. The main concern is that the regime of penalties and quotas could be adjusted due to the de facto impossibility of achieving quotas. In this respect, the primary objective of policymakers should be to maintain confidence in the handling of the Review Clause pursuant to Art. 17 RefuelEU.
- impact on sustanainable aviation e.V. announces changes to Board of Directors98.41 KBJune 18, 2024Press Releases
impact on sustainable aviation e.V. (“impact”), a leading non-profit organization dedicated to advancing sustainability in the aviation industry, announces changes to its Board of Directors. These changes are set to further strengthen impact’s mission and enhance its strategic direction towards promoting sustainable practices in aviation.
- Examina lessor portfolios through the lens of impact’s decoupling milestones4.91 MBMay 31, 2024Press Releases
- Examining lessor portfolios through the lens of impact’s decoupling milestones1.13 MBMay 17, 2024Press Releases
In this joint report, Rob Neale, Chief Product Officer at PACE, and Eduardo Mariz, Senior Analyst and Sustainability Lead at Ishka, examine major lessor portfolios using Impact’s* decarbonisation milestone methodology. Ulrike Ziegler, president of Impact, Philipp Goedeking, co-head of Impact's science workstream and board member of Impact, and Thomas Conlon, co-head of Impact’s science workstream, also contributed to this report.
- Reducing aviation’s climate impact: Impact on Sustainable Aviation and aireg cooperate249.81 KBMay 6, 2024Press Releases
- Defossilisierung der Luftfahrt: Impact on Sustainable Aviation und aireg kooperieren234.30 KBMay 6, 2024Press Releases
- impact Year in Review 20233.90 MBJanuary 27, 2024PublicReports
Year in Review provides you with a snapshot of our activities, expert views and topics relevant to the decarbonization of the airline industry.
- Die Zukunft der Luftfahrt hängt an ihrer Finanzierbarkeit491.12 KBDecember 11, 2023Press ReleasesPublic
- impact Insights 20235.81 MBJuly 8, 2023PublicReports
Our half-year report 2023 contains all latest updates on our activities, like our work progress, conference participation and introduction of our new advisory board - and the first half of 2023 came with quite some news. The impact Insights 2023 includes inspiring contributions of guest authors, Lynn Guiney, Anna Stukas, Caroline Jung, Nigel Addison-Smith and Ana Magdalina touching on the most relevant aviation decarbonization topics.
- Feb 2023-Ishka-Understanding-Impacts-milestone-concept.pdf1.14 MBFebruary 23, 2023Press ReleasesPublic
- impact flyer – Milestone concept186.54 KBJanuary 13, 2023Press Releases
Description of how decoupling - which is part of the three essential KPIs postulated by impact - can be translated into a milestone concept to assess an airline's decarbonization progress.
- Year in Review 20224.30 MBJanuary 13, 2023Reports
Year in Review provides you with a snapshot of our activities, expert views and topics relevant to the decarbonization of the airline industry.
- Ishka View ESG And Sustainable Aviation9.40 MBMarch 29, 2022Press Releases
This is the first in a series of special supplements delivering ‘The Ishka View’ on aviation ‘Environmental, Social, Governance’ (ESG) and other sustainability developments... [download the document to read more]
- Aviation green and sustainable finance transactions to date299.29 KBMarch 29, 2022Press Releases
In this second edition of Ishka’s ESG Aircraft Finance data sheet, we expand our coverage to include all publicly-announced airline or aircraft-related green... [download the document to read more]
- Press Release March 2022204.53 KBMarch 22, 2022Press Releases
Leading institutions from the aviation finance eco-system launch ‘impact’ - a new global association dedicated to achieving Net Zero... [download the document to read more]
- IMPACT Flyer January 2022665.72 KBMarch 14, 2022Press Releases
The Paris climate targets, COP26 in Glasgow, IATA‘s commitment to the goal of Net Zero by 2050, and last but not least the discussions around EU taxonomy are a wake-up call… [download the document to read more]