Time flies.
Finance supports airlines towards net zero
Aviation is critical to global mobility but exceptionally hard to abate. Financing rules are a powerful lever with which to push the industry to become more sustainable at last. impact advocates for financing to finally realize its crucial role in helping to bring flying into line with the world’s net zero goal.
Finance propels aviation to meaningfully cut emissions.
Air traffic grows faster than fuel efficiency
The world is committed to net-zero emissions by 2050. But the continuing rise in air traffic means aviation emissions are growing faster than the rate at which technology is reducing aircraft’s carbon footprint. These countervailing trends drive the “sustainability conundrum” aviation needs to tackle: As long as efficiency gains remain too small to offset the effect of air-traffic growth, CO₂ emissions will continue to rise as passenger and cargo volumes do.
impact is a forum for all aviation stakeholders
impact brings together financial institutions and aviation companies that recognize clear and simple emissions standards in financing contracts as the lever to make flying more sustainable. An independent non-profit association, impact is a forum that enables various stakeholder groups to share expertise and collaborate to at last reduce emissions in a consequential way.
impact is run by its members for its members. Its priorities are set “bottom up” by its members rather than “top down” by vested interests. Its aim is to ensure that capital remains available to airlines, reduce financial risks and complexity, and to guard against reputational risks. impact can become a guardian of transparency, a facilitator between aviation and the finance sector, a defence against greenwashing claims.

Members actively contribute in working groups